$20.00 Double Fan



(Murphy 2011) 16" EE 6" Dormant diploid Unusual Form Cascade

This plant starts blooming before all daylilies except three in our garden, and is in full bloom when Stella starts. It is a pink and cream bitone cascade with green throat. Note, this is a large flower, not your more typical small extra early. It is nocturnal, opening at midnight and closing around 7pm the next day. Gorgeous blue green foliage, HARD DORMANT, 3 branches, 18 buds. Pollen fertile. Out of PINK RAIN DANCE by unknown.

Contact Info

Woodhenge Gardens
Jim Murphy & Margo Reed
3191 Plank Rd.
North Garden, Va. 22959
(434) 981-5212
cell (434) 981 5212
Lily Auction Username:Murphy

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