$50.00 Double Fan

Sold Out


( Murphy 2014) 42" L 7" Dormant Diploid UF- Cascade

This seems to be my most looked at of the 2014 intros: It is a very light cream color, fading to white with heat, creped and ruffled on tall scapes with tremendous branching and budcount. Even the pistil and stamens are white. It is completely sun-fast and even looks good after dark, showing white in the dusk at 9pm. Out of (MARGO REED INDEED x NORTH WIND DANCER) x THANK YOU DAD. It has 5 branches and 29 buds. Has been known to have 5 blooms open on one branched scape. Pod difficult, Pollen Fertile, excellent parent. Will never win a show award- way too late. Blooming into mid August here.
2017-This has continued to be an amazing plant. 5 branches and up to 32 buds on perfect every day blooms. Superlative parent. I have 9! future intros from it. Blooming today on August 12 in an early blooming season summer. Sunfast, and looks better at 95 than most any daylily in the garden. 2018- Still very good, with 5 way branching. Will bloom for another week, so August 14. 2020- Excellent. Thank you for your interest in this great garden and breeding plant! Jim

Contact Info

Woodhenge Gardens
Jim Murphy & Margo Reed
3191 Plank Rd.
North Garden, Va. 22959
(434) 981-5212
cell (434) 981 5212
Lily Auction Username:Murphy

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