$75.00 Double Fan

Sold Out


(Reed, 2023 Fall) 55" MLa 7.5" dormant, diploid
2 branches, 22 buds; Unusual Form – Cascade

Very tall, upright strong scapes with bright pink blooms that have white midribs; green throat fades to white, extending out almost halfway onto the petals and sepals. Tiny white line on the ruffled edges. There is a faint band of darker pink on the petals. Stunning background plant.

Parentage: ((Tree Turtles x Planet Max) x Cherry Peacock)

Contact Info

Woodhenge Gardens
Jim Murphy & Margo Reed
3191 Plank Rd.
North Garden, Va. 22959
(434) 981-5212
cell (434) 981 5212
Lily Auction Username:Murphy

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